CECMHC offers a wide variety of services for a broad range of problem areas which include:

  • Anxiety
  • Attention Deficit Disorder (Complicated with Significant Behavioral Problems)
  • Behavioral Problems
  • Bipolar Disorder
  • Depression
  • Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD)
  • Suicide Risk
  • Thought Disorders (e.g., Schizophrenia, Schizoaffective)
  • Trauma

Programs and Services offered:

Crisis Intervention - During business hours, the following services are available: Assessment and counseling for adults, children, and adolescents in distress who need immediate attention. This may include referral for hospitalization. An on-call mental health professional is available via telephone after-hours at 1-800-922-7844. In an emergency dial 911.

Mental Health Counseling/Psychiatric Services - Individual, Group or Family counseling with an emphasis on consumer/family education. This may include additional assessment by a psychiatrist, medication prescription or medication monitoring.

Case Management Services - Support and community outreach for mental health consumers experiencing major situational and/or psychiatric problems. This service is to assist the patient in maintaining the highest level of community functioning possible.

Psychosocial Rehabilitation - A safe, supportive, accepting environment where consumers with serious/persistent mental illnesses can meet daily to learn, strengthen, and develop skills necessary for successful community living.

Home Share – Former long-term inpatients from state hospitals live with families in the community and are provided intensive services to support successful community tenure.

School-Based Mental Health Program – Available in some of the schools in some of the counties served. Child, adolescent and family mental health professionals provide direct services to students and families and consultation to teachers and other school staff onsite, in the school setting.

Detention Center Based Services – A mental health professional is stationed at the Beaufort County Detention Center to screen and assess inmates and provide brief counseling intervention. A psychiatrist and a psychiatric nurse practitioner provide additional on-site service part-time.

Department of Social Services Based Services – A child, adolescent, and family mental health professional provides on-site services at the Beaufort County Department of Social Services for families referred by DSS staff.